Most of us know that when we’re facing legal challenges or trying to advance our own rights under the law, we need ‘good’ legal representation. But that doesn’t really tell the whole story. Of course, you want a lawyer who is knowledgeable about state and federal law. Of course, you want a lawyer who knows how to do discovery. But you also want a lawyer who is willing to fight for you, and that can make all the difference at the end of the road.

The Morris Firm is this firm for men who are fighting for their rights in custody issues and family law matters.

This isn’t “hair club for men” – this is something that our clients need as they navigate tricky legal waters! We do what we do to advance our client’s interests – and we do it well. 

Advancing the Rights of Paternal Parties

One of the reasons that we set up Morris for Men was that we saw firsthand how unfair the system can be to dads.

While there is widespread consensus that children need fathers in their life, some elements of the legal process seem determined to get dads out of their kids’ lives, and into reduced and problematic roles as simply a money bank for the child’s development.

Many legal professionals, when they’re speaking frankly, will tell you that the system is stacked against fathers in general. It’s one of these many cases where unhelpful stereotypes and paradigms have created a bias in our legal system. Many of us have heard a lot about “deadbeat dads” and we tend to jump to conclusions when we hear about family law situations. But the errors of some deadbeat dads shouldn’t lead to tarring all fathers with the same brush. There are many men who are primary caregivers to their children, and responsible parties in custody proceedings, and there is more every day. Our society is undergoing important sea changes that will influence the future of what our society looks like. The bias against fathers in family law is not a helpful part of this, in our view.

But beyond all of this, when we represent men in divorce, family law, and child support and custody situations, we’re fighting for an individual. Everyone deserves dedicated professional representation in court. In general, good lawyers would agree that the best outcome is where both parties have great counsel, and where those lawyers can work things out from opposing legal viewpoints. The law is not entirely about fighting tooth and claw for a given outcome. It’s about case resolution that’s fair and equitable to all parties!

If you feel like you’ve been given the short end of the stick in family law and custody proceedings, call Morris for Men. We are here to help dads figure out their rights and their responsibilities and to get their voices heard in a court of law.