Dads Deserve Custody Too

A divorce and court system biased towards women has been a known and uncomfortable reality men have faced for ages. However, many men find that with motivation, a clear head, a logical attitude, and choosing the right attorney, they can secure their rights. Consider these essential factors when selecting a lawyer to handle your divorce and custody proceedings.


Be on the lookout for red flags that indicate a lack of professionalism. Lawyers should not name drop their high profile clients or share privileged information. A professional attitude from an attorney involves showing respect for their clients and other professionals. If a lawyer is making many promises about the outcome of your case, this may be a red flag. Your attorney should also be providing you with their full attention. Multitasking by using their phone or computer during your time is unprofessional behavior.


Divorce and custody litigation is a specialized area of law. You need a lawyer who is knowledgeable and experienced in the issues that you are facing. You will want to ensure that your lawyer has a thorough background in divorce and custody law. Courtroom experience is also a must.

State-specific Knowledge

Laws and trends vary by state, and this is especially true concerning divorce and custody. You will want to choose a lawyer who is very familiar with the specifics of handling divorce and custody in your state.

On the same page

Every client and situation is different. Your lawyer must understand the uniqueness of your situation and your take on the issues at hand. The outcome of your case is affected by your relationship with your attorney. Choose an attorney who allows you to be involved in your case by making sure to understand and represent your unique goals.


You will want to do your research to ensure that your attorney has a good reputation. There are several ways that you can research the reputation of your attorney. By doing online research using a search engine, you can browse news stories and client reviews to gain an accurate understanding of your attorney’s track record. You can also check their registration with the state bar association.

Protecting Your Interests

Fighting for men to be treated equally by the court system is my specialty and passion. If you are suffering from a divorce, I will work to ensure the protection of your interests. If you have children, I want to ensure that you don’t miss out on time with your children. Contact Morris Law Firm to find out how we can fight for your rights.