Dads Deserve Custody Too

The rights of a father, put simply, is your right to be involved in your child’s life. It can involve everything from the right to spend time with your child (physical custody and or visitation), as well as the right to information and decisions about your child’s education, medical, extracurricular activities, and religion and civic engagement, known as legal custody. 

Many fathers face difficulties when navigating family law, child custody, or divorce. The fight for fathers rights can be a devastating blow, completely disrupting their role as dads. But here in Alabama, there is hope and assistance available.

Though it can be a struggle, Alabama has laws in place to bridge this gap and ensure that children don’t miss out on valuable time with their fathers after divorce.

We are here to support you emotionally and provide guidance for unmarried fathers who need to take certain steps seriously. This is not just another tale of despair; it’s about creating equal opportunities so that every father has a fair chance at being Dad.

Advocacy and Support for Fathers During Custody Disputes

It’s more than just legal battles; it’s an emotional rollercoaster where support is as crucial as any court order. Historically, fathers have faced challenges in securing equal treatment in custody battles, leading to a growing movement dedicated to addressing this imbalance.

Emotional Support Resources for Fathers

Beyond movements and organizations dedicated to fathers rights, there are services available for those hit with an unexpected wave of stress or sadness. These aren’t just numbers on a page; they’re lifelines connecting you to people who get what you’re going through and can help guide you.

The Backbone of Fatherly Advocacy

Sure enough, behind every great dad fighting for joint or sole custody or fair child support terms is an army advocating equal parenting time because fatherhood shouldn’t end at separation—it evolves into something different but equally important: active co-parenting where both parents have vital roles in their children’s lives.

Legal Considerations for Unmarried Fathers in Child Custody Cases

If you’re an unmarried father in Alabama, stepping up to claim your rightful place in your child’s life starts with establishing paternity and winds its way toward legitimization.

Another step to consider is hiring a father’s rights lawyer. A fathers rights attorney specializes in representing the legal interests of fathers in family court cases. They work to protect and uphold parental rights during divorce or separation proceedings, as well as in cases involving child legal custody determinations, visitation, and support.

Establish Paternity Through Legal Channels

Being recognized as a father is more than having your name on a birth certificate; it’s about achieving formal recognition as a Dad. To legally secure this connection in Alabama without the bonds of marriage, you need to take a paternity test or have both parents complete an acknowledgment of paternity form. Claiming your stake in your child’s upbringing extends beyond merely signing documents.

Legitimization Process for Children of Unmarried Parents

Moving past the DNA confirmation comes legitimization—a crucial step under Alabama law for any dad facing issues with custody rights and co-parenting boundaries. It gives dads more than just visitation rights; it paves the way toward joint custody.

Are you struggling with child support cases in Alabama? The Morris Firm for Men is here to fight for your rights. We focus on child support cases and strive to ensure fair treatment for all fathers, be it physical custody, a paternity case, visitation, or financial contributions. If you feel overlooked, disregarded, or negatively affected by an unfair bias, we’re committed to advocating for you.