Dads Deserve Custody Too

What Are a Father’s Rights?

What Are a Father’s Rights?

The rights of a father, put simply, is your right to be involved in your child’s life. It can involve everything from the right to spend time with your child (physical custody and or visitation), as well as the right to information and decisions about your child’s...
How Can a Father Win a Custody Battle?

How Can a Father Win a Custody Battle?

Navigating the treacherous waters of child custody can sometimes feel like journeying through an uncharted territory. At the Morris Firm for Men, we understand that the well-being of your children is paramount, and we are dedicated to informing and supporting fathers...
What Does a Father Custody Lawyer Do?

What Does a Father Custody Lawyer Do?

In the realm of family law battles, none are as emotionally charged nor as deeply significant as those involving child custody. At Morris Firm For Men, we hold a revolutionary yet simple belief in the heart of our practice; fathers deserve equal rights to custody....