Dads Deserve Custody Too

Ever found yourself at the crossroads of a life-changing decision, where every path seems foggy and nothing is clear?

You may be asking yourself, “Where do I start?” or “How can I ensure my interests are protected?” No one gets married with the expectation of divorce, and one of the scariest things can be when we do not know what to expect. An experienced family law attorney can help you through the complex labyrinth of divorce issues and help alleviate some of that fear by giving clarity on what to expect and how you can prepare yourself to get the best possible results.

In this post, we unravel the mysteries surrounding contested divorces in Alabama – from engaging skilled attorneys and fighting for child custody rights to splitting marital assets and understanding support obligations.

We will dive deep into the heart of these murky waters, illuminating your journey with practical insights and expert advice. Are you ready to embark on this voyage towards clarity?

Understanding Contested Divorce in Alabama

In Alabama, a contested divorce happens when couples can’t agree on the terms of their divorce or on the actual split. This disagreement is often due to issues such as child custody, visitation rights, and property division.

The Alabama divorce lawyers at the Morris Firm for Men are well-versed with these situations. They know how to navigate through the complexities of an Alabama contested divorce and help ensure that you get what’s rightfully yours.

The Role of Divorce Attorneys in Contested Divorce

An experienced Alabama divorce lawyer plays a crucial role during this difficult time. From filing your case in court to representing you during proceedings, they’re by your side every step of the way.

Your attorney will guide you throughout each stage of the divorce process. They also help negotiate settlement agreements whenever possible. If negotiations fail and parties cannot agree on major points (like dividing assets, or custody, or alimony), then a judge steps into make final decisions based upon state law principles governing family law matters like marital property distribution and spousal support arrangements among others.

Dealing with highly contested issues without professional guidance could lead to less than desirable outcomes. Therefore, it’s essential that if facing an uncontested situation, one should seek out skilled legal counsel immediately after the spouse files for dissolution – preferably before responding officially so as not to be caught off guard by any surprises down the line. However, this is also true of uncontested situations, as you should be careful about signing anything prior to your attorney reviewing it, as you may not know all the legal ramifications of the agreement, and moreover, having an experienced family law attorney draft the paperwork up from the start may help save you the costs of going to court later on in the event that things fall apart.


To start your journey today, call us now. We offer consultations where we’ll answer questions about process specifics while providing valuable advice tailored specifically around individual circumstances of your case.

Even if you do not retain right away, many of our prospective clients have said that they benefited from the tips and advice that they received in their initial consultation with the Morris Firm for Men.

Child Custody and Visitation Rights in Contested Divorce

In a contested divorce, the question of child custody can become a highly contentious issue. This is because both parents may have differing views on what’s best for their child.

Impact of Contested Divorce on Child Custody

The courts in Alabama take several factors into account when deciding child custody during a contested divorce case. The judge’s ruling often considers the “best interests of the child” which takes into account several factors ranging from the emotional, social, moral, material, and educational needs of the child(ren) involved.

Disagreements over child support or visitation rights, including those related to holidays and school vacations, are common reasons why divorces end up being contested. But it is important to get these things right the first time around, because it may be more difficult to modify custody later on due to what is known as the McLendon standard in Alabama. Additionally, leaving these issues of holiday visitation open to interpretation (such as the “parties agree to equally share time with the child for Christmas”) may cause considerable strain between parties leading to the need for court intervention later on.  Better to hold out for a clear and defined custody agreement/order than to just give up and hope that the two of you will just be able to get along and work it out.

Similarly, agreement’s may breakdown over what is known as legal custody.  Which is your right to important information and decision making concerning your child’s welfare. These typically include the areas of education, medical, extra-curricular and religion. If one of these areas is important to you to be able to have the final say on post-divorce, then you should make sure you fight to get that right in the agreement or from the court.

Custody is obviously a big deal for many parents, and it should be. If custody is important to you than it is worth making the case contested rather than to just agree to less time that you want with your children. Remember that your divorce agreement will likely determine your rights to property or alimony, but it is also going to have a big impact on your rights and ability to be involved in the lives of your children post-divorce.  If you want shared custody, then you should not settle for less and expect that the other side will just give you more time out of the goodness of their heart.  Insist on shared custody now, because it may be more difficult to acquire later on due to the McLendon standard. 

An experienced attorney focusing in Alabama divorce law and family law can provide crucial help throughout this process by advocating for your parental rights while also helping ensure the best interests and the well-being of your kids. Having someone who understands family law intricacies ensures you’re properly represented during these difficult times.

Besides legal representation from an expert divorce lawyer, having open communication with your ex-spouse about shared parenting responsibilities after separation is essential too.

To avoid unnecessary conflicts regarding custody or visitation arrangements after divorce proceedings conclude, it’s important that both parties agree on all aspects before finalizing them legally. This might include scheduling regular consultations with professionals skilled at handling such matters if needed.

We believe in putting children first, and we’ll fight for you every step of the way.

Property Division and Financial Aspects in Contested Divorces

In a contested divorce, one of the major roadblocks can be property division. Splitting marital assets and debts isn’t always clear cut. The first thing to understand here is that the court will divide all marital property by what is known as equitable division.  Equitable division in a divorce case is dependent on the facts of your case, and is not only based on what the debts and assets are, but also on the behavior of the parties during the marriage.  It does not mean equal division, although that is what most people expect, instead it means that the court is going to try to come to a “fair division” of all marital property.

Property Division Process During Contested Divorces

The division of “marital property” is not only the property, but also the marital debts. The process to divide properties is often intricate, and sometimes heated. Assets like houses, cars, or retirement accounts must be fairly divided between both parties. Debts are also split based on things such as when they were acquired, who acquired them, what were they used for, and who is more financially capable of paying them off.

This could result in clashes over matters such as who gets the nice car, or the house that is paid off, or who gets the house that was purchased with the VA loan, or more complicated divisions such as corporate interests or rental real estate properties, or investment accounts with valuable stock (possibly purchased prior to or during the marriage), which may necessitate professional legal advice or possible expert witness evaluations.

There is also the question of not only the monetary value of debts or assets, but also the sentimental or emotional value that may be attached to certain marital property. Such as a family pet, or perhaps an item that is of particular significance to the child(ren). Or for instance, the house may be more valuable to one party rather than the other because it was their “dream home” or because they put a lot of effort into making it what it is today in one way or another. Or similarly, one party may want to sell the house rather than allow the other to refinance because their VA loan was used to purchase the home and there are certain stipulations that go along with that. Understanding why the other side wants what it is that they say they want is what a good mediator or negotiator does. An experienced family law attorney may be able to help resolve the case before it gets contested by taking the time to explain and understand these special problem areas, and having experience in coming up with creative solutions that worked in other similar cases.

Failing to understand that there is more than one way to get divorce assets equitably divided  could lead to disputes over things like business interests or investment properties which may need expert legal help.

Understanding Spousal and Child Support in Contested Divorces

Beyond dividing assets, financial aspects also involve spousal support (also known as alimony) and child support.

In Alabama law, alimony is not guaranteed; it depends on factors such as length of marriage, each party’s earning capacity, age, and health condition among others such as one party’s financial need and the other party’s ability to pay. The general statement on alimony is that the court wants both parties to be able to live at the same standard of living that they enjoyed during the marriage. However, the courts to recognize that two people living apart, generally have more expenses than two people that share the same household and bills.  Thus, what alimony really comes down to is can one party demonstrate a financial need and that the other has the ability to pay. If after separation it looks like one party will be rolling in the dough and the other will be destitute, then there may be real concern for alimony.  However, as we mention above, there is no guarantee of alimony, even where there is a vast disparity of income. Just as with the division of marital property, the behavior of the party’s is also relevant. 

On the other hand, Child support follows strict guidelines determined by state laws taking into account parents’ income and custody arrangements, and therefore the behavior of the party’s does not matter so much for the calculation of child support.  However, divorce cases may be just as likely to break down over the payment of child support as the other issues, as child support can sometimes be a big expense. And as we discuss in detail in other articles, no matter how much the courts, legislator, and administrative bodies try to get the calculation of child support down to an exact science, there is still plenty of room for argumentation over whether the other party really makes that much or whether daycare costs are actually being paid, and so on and so forth. However, here too, an experienced family law attorney such as at the Morris Firm for Men, can help calculate the Rule 32 child support guidelines to give you the best estimate of what to expect child support to be if the case goes to court, and thus give you a better idea of whether the other side’s requests for additional child support is reasonable or not.

Note: Disagreements over splitting marital assets/debts or issues around alimony frequently trigger contested divorces.

Free consultation for understanding these complexities better might come in handy if you’re dealing with this situation and getting an attorney involved from the start may help you get the matter resolved without the need to make things contested. Also, getting the right legal counsel involved early on may help give you the advice you need so that you can best position yourself for success if the divorce case becomes contested.

Remember: The aim here isn’t just to “win” but ensuring that your rights are protected.


Navigating a contested divorce in Alabama is like embarking on an unfamiliar journey. But remember, understanding the process and having expert guidance can make it easier.

You’ve learned about the crucial role of experienced attorneys. They help safeguard your interests during these complex proceedings.

We explored child custody rights, a highly contested issue often leading to disagreement between spouses. It is essential to prioritize the welfare of kids over everything else.

The division of marital assets or debts can be another contentious point in such divorces. Knowledge about how this works ensures fair distribution and prevents potential conflicts.

Contested divorces may seem daunting at first glance… but with patience, knowledge, and legal expertise by your side, you’re equipped to face any challenge that comes your way!