Dads Deserve Custody Too

The text from the mother read, “Why fight it, and pay money for an attorney, when the judge is just going to give you every other weekend anyway?”  But fight we did, and after a quick pendente lite hearing right out of the gate, the father was given shared custody, and it wasn’t long afterwards that the mother ended up settling for shared custody.

With almost a third of households led by single moms in Alabama, the likelihood of succeeding in custody disputes may seem to be heavily against males, but in reality, many men fail to gain custody or shared custody because they never took up the fight in the first place. In our other articles we discuss in more detail the past doctrine known as the tender years doctrine which previously gave a preference to awarding custody to mothers. That doctrine was struck down years ago by the Alabama Supreme Court as an unconstitutional violation of equal protection. However, the years of attorneys and judges which handed down “mom gets custody and dad gets every other weekend,” as if it were written in stone, still lingers in the minds of every man that finds himself in the position of having to decide whether to give in the stereotype, or to fight for what is right, and to take a stand for shared custody.  It may feel like you are alone, and like fighting an uphill battle, but winning custody is possible. Fathers can win custody in Alabama. And the same is true for shared/equal custody in Alabama.

There is hope and there is help for men seeking custody and shared/equal custody. In this article we explore resources that may help you get in, and stay in the fight!

This isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving and empowering yourself throughout the process. We’ll explore strategies that level the playing field, including hiring seasoned lawyers who know how to navigate these murky waters.

We’ll also highlight resources available specifically for dads because no man should face this journey alone. So buckle up! The tides are turning…

The Impact of Fatherless Homes in Alabama

It’s no secret that children often thrive best with the presence and involvement of both parents. When a father is absent, it can lead to negative outcomes for the child.

This lack of a father figure has been associated with an elevated rate of impoverishment, misbehavior, and psychological health difficulties for these kids.

  •         44% of children in fatherless homes live in poverty
  •         Fatherless children are at a greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse
  •         Children from single parent homes are twice as likely to commit suicide
  •         Children from single parent homes have lower grade point averages in school
  •         71% of high school dropouts are come from fatherless homes
  •         Fatherless children are at a higher risk of teen pregnancy

“The Consequences of Fatherlessness.” National Center for Fathering, October 24, 2022.

Poverty Among Children in Single-Mother Households

A study from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) revealed that 46% of families led by single moms live below the poverty line. When one parent is not involved financially or emotionally, it often leaves a heavy burden on the other parent to shoulder alone.

This highlights how vital equal parenting rights can be not just for men but more importantly for our children too.

Juvenile Delinquency Linked to Absent Fathers

The correlation between fatherlessness and juvenile delinquency is hard-hitting: The HHS reports youths living apart from their fathers are twice as likely to end up incarcerated before they turn 30 than those who have their dads present at home.

  •         85% of youth in prison are from fatherless homes.
  •         90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes

“Statistics on Fatherlessness in America and the Profound Impact of Mentoring.” No Longer Fatherless.

Mental Health Concerns in Fatherless Homes

The absence of a father figure also tends to impact children’s mental health negatively. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that adolescents from father-absent homes are more likely to show signs of depression than those living with both parents.

imperative for both moms and dads to take part in their child’s life, emphasizing the importance of having two parental figures present. Study after study has shown that children do better across the board in shared parenting environments, even if those parenting relationships or co-parenting is not the best or even in highly contentious shared parenting environments.

Fathers Deserve Equal Rights to Custody

Despite strong evidence supporting the benefits of shared parenting, fathers in Alabama often find themselves fighting a steep uphill battle for custody rights. This struggle can largely be attributed to outdated gender stereotypes that unfortunately still echo within our legal system.

These old-fashioned biases tend to assume that mothers are inherently better caregivers than fathers. But this notion contradicts modern research and societal changes which clearly indicate both parents play vital roles in their children’s lives.

A father’s right to custody is about more than just the father. When a fathers is present in a child’s life, the child is twice as likely to go to college, 80% less likely to spend time in jail, and 75% less likely to spend time in jail. (“Importance of Fathers.” A Father’s Place. Accessed January 9, 2024.

Fighting for Equality in Family Courts

Given the clear benefits of shared parenting, it is essential that family courts prioritize balance in their child custody decisions. The starting point should always presume equal parental responsibilities unless proven otherwise due to detrimental factors such as abuse or neglect.

This means advocating strongly for legislation that recognizes and supports shared parenting rights – giving dads an equal footing with moms during divorce proceedings or child custody disputes. At Morris Law Firm, we believe every dad deserves his fair day in court, and we’re committed towards making sure this happens.

A Call To Action For Dads

Dads shouldn’t feel hopeless if faced with such challenges though. There are several ways you can empower yourself during these proceedings; one of them being hiring an experienced attorney who understands your situation and fights tirelessly for your interests.

The right lawyer will give sound advice based on extensive experience dealing with similar cases, guiding you through the complexities of family law and working to ensure that your voice is heard in court.

Aside from legal help, there are also numerous resources available such as free legal aid services and support groups for dads going through similar situations. These platforms provide a wealth of information, advice, emotional support, and more – all geared towards helping fathers navigate their way successfully through these tough times.

Strategies for Empowering Fathers

Dad’s part in their offspring’s lives is indispensable, yet achieving equivalent rights can be difficult. Don’t despair; there are methods to assist you in your pursuit of rights.

First and foremost, hiring an experienced men’s divorce lawyer, like those at Morris Law Firm, is crucial. These professionals understand your rights as a father and will advocate fiercely on your behalf.

Hire an Attorney

We suggest working with a father’s rights attorney: someone with a lot of experience in men’s family law issues. A father’s rights attorney will provide the best guidance and ensure that all decisions are made with the well-being of both parties in mind, as well as staying abreast of any changes to Alabama laws.

Their deep understanding of the issues that men in particular face and of the Alabama laws, ensures they’re well equipped to handle any surprises along the way. They work tirelessly so fathers get fair treatment during divorce or custody battles.


We feel that besides getting the help of a legal professional, it is essential for dads themselves to stand up for their own rights too. How can you stand up for your rights as a father if you do not know what they are? Take the time to learn about common divorce, custody, and child support issues. This will help you be better prepared for what to expect and likely also help you ask better questions of your attorney. This will in turn likely help them be a better resource for you. Do not just assume that your attorney knows everything about your case or about your objectives. Ask questions and be sure that you and your attorney are on the same page. Also, be sure that you give your attorney the tools, information, and evidence they need to be able to help you win your case. Be active participants throughout the entire court process by asking questions when needed and expressing concerns about rulings or proposals that may affect them unfairly.

This not only shows courts you’re engaged but also demonstrates commitment towards achieving favorable outcomes – especially concerning shared parenting responsibilities.

Educate Yourself About The Process

Educating yourself about Alabama’s legal system, particularly regarding divorces involving children becomes necessary too.

  •         Know your rights as a father in Alabama.
  •         Understand how child custody is determined and what factors the court considers when making these decisions.
  •         Learn about the process of calculating child support payments.

Maintain A Positive Attitude

Finally, remember that keeping an upbeat mindset during this tough time can be surprisingly powerful. Not only does it positively influence your mental health, but also the impressions of legal representatives and those involved in the case.

Resources Available for Dads

Being a dad facing divorce or child custody battles in Alabama can feel like navigating through a storm. Fortunately, you can access numerous resources designed to assist dads in this situation. You do not have to go through the struggle of divorce of custody battles alone.  There are support group meeting you can attend such as the Fatherhood Program in Alabama, or  F.I.T. DAD . If those programs are not for you, there are many others out there like it, find one that is right for you.  Not only are classes like these helpful to you emotionally, but they may also give you an advantage in court.  We have seen these programs and similar programs give credibility to a father’s claim that they are both willing and able to care for their child(ren).

There are also online support groups out there such as those on Facebook, like the Father’s Rights group for your state, which may be able to provide you useful information such as what to do in certain situations, or where to find an attorney that is right for you.  (Disclaimer: Just be careful about what you post online, it might be used in court, especially if it puts you in a bad light.)

Aside from fathers’ rights support groups there are also support groups for those going through divorce. One that we highly recommend is DivorceCare. There are valuable lessons in those classes for both those currently going through a divorce as well as those that are living with the aftermath.  Divorce can be hard, and it helps to have someone to talk to about it, other than your lawyer.

Free legal aid services, specifically designed to assist dads, offer invaluable support. These resources aim to level the playing field in courtrooms by providing information on your rights and responsibilities during these tough times.

Apart from legal help, joining support groups for fathers undergoing similar trials can be beneficial too. Here you’ll find an understanding community of men who’ve walked in your shoes and know the ropes – offering both emotional backing and practical advice.

Navigating Child Custody Laws with Free Legal Aid Services

The complexities of family law often make it hard for laymen to grasp their full implications without professional guidance. That’s where free legal aid comes into play.

This resource helps dads understand how Alabama courts determine child custody issues while debunking common misconceptions about favoritism towards mothers during proceedings. Knowledge is power; so knowing what judges consider when granting custody rights puts you at an advantage as well as ensuring fairness throughout the process.

Finding Strength in Support Groups

  •         No man can stand alone; therefore, find strength in solidarity.
  •         You don’t have to go through this trying period solo – reach out. Being part of a supportive group provides much-needed camaraderie, and often proves therapeutic.
  •         Moreover, these groups serve as a safe space to share experiences and learn from others’ triumphs and missteps. In short: they help you grow stronger together.

In the end, remember this – every storm passes eventually. With resources like free legal aid services in Alabama or support groups for dads at your disposal, navigating through it becomes that much easier. Remind yourself that there’s hope in the end.


Life doesn’t stop at divorce. Though it may seem challenging, you’re not facing this journey alone – a men’s divorce lawyer can be your greatest companion in navigating the complexities of Alabama family law.

A men’s divorce lawyer can be your greatest ally – navigating the complexities of Alabama family law with precision. Fatherless homes pose real challenges for kids, but shared parenting brings numerous benefits to their lives. Got that down?

Equality matters! Dads deserve custody too. Keep fighting those outdated stereotypes! You have tools at your disposal: seasoned lawyers and dad-specific resources ready to help when things get rough.

Your journey isn’t easy, but remember – the tides are turning… Stay strong and stay empowered! We are here to help.