Dads Deserve Custody Too

As a father, statistically, you have about a 35% chance of getting custody of your child. But, we know what they say about statistics… And despite this number being low, it is not to say that the odds of you getting your child are that low, because that would depend on the individual facts of your case. Which is why hiring a lawyer for child custody that can help present your case in the best way possible will help improve your chances of winning custody in court, as well as in a settlement agreement.

We know the process can be challenging, but we want to help guide you through the process every step of the way.

Knowing where to start is key. Researching child custody lawyers is just the beginning.

This guide is going to tell you everything you need to know about working with a child custody attorney and much more. By the end, you’ll have all the custody tips for fathers you need!

So keep reading, and remember you don’t have to go to custody or child support court alone.

Focus on Your Child

Your child should be your priority during this time. Often times it is easy to get caught up in the litigation and who is right and who is wrong, and forget to focus on their child and what’s best for them.

When you’re trying to beat your ex in court, don’t neglect your child and their feelings. Don’t get so focused on winning that you don’t properly care for your child or children, or fail to consider their interests.

The courts generally dislike children being exposed to the conflict between the parties. Thus, it probably isn’t worth proving the other side wrong, if it means exposing the child(ren) to overt conflict between the parties, or making the child the confidant of information they are better off not knowing (at least for the time being).

No matter how old your child is, a custody battle will affect them, and will likely cause them stress and anxiety.

There’s no way to avoid it. However, you can do your best to protect them.

Even during emotional times, be sure to reassure your child. The older they are, the more they are going to understand.

They will likely be afraid of the uncertainty of a court case, just like you. Stay focused on them, spend time with them, and do everything you can to keep them calm and keep them isolated from the conflict as much as possible.

Document Your Involvement

Before and after you hire a lawyer for child custody, you need to keep as much documentation as you can. You need to be able to show the court that you are present and active in your child’s life.  Also document the times when you are able to see the child(ren), and time when the other side is arbitrary refusing to allow you time with the child(ren).

Take videos of you spending time together, keep a record of financial statements, and be sure to share them with your lawyer for child custody.

Create a Healthy Environment

Child custody lawyers all over the nation are going to recommend that you create a healthy environment for your child to live in.

Your home should be as loving and stable as possible. Moving back and forth from different houses can be very challenging for children. You want to make coming back to yours as easy as can be.

Stay Positive

Children are very perceptive. They can tell when something is wrong. When you’re spending time with your child before a custody agreement is made, try to stay positive.

Do activities with them that help them get their minds off the court battle. Be sure to stay committed to fighting for your child. It can be a long process, don’t give up.

Prepare For Court Appearances

Getting ready for court appearances is stressful. However, being prepared will make them easier. Talking with child custody lawyers before an appearance is ideal. It will help calm your nerves and make you feel more confident.

Hire A Child Custody for Men

One of the best things you can do is hire a lawyer that specializes in child custody for men. An attorney will know exactly what to do and say. They will have experience working with cases similar to yours, which will give you peace of mind.

By hiring a child custody attorney, you’ll reduce your risk of making mistakes that could cost you the case.

When you go to court, your whole life is going to be examined. If there are any issues, without an expert, you may not know how to address them.

It’s not uncommon for exes to make false accusations against their previous partners in court. If this happens, you want the best of the best on your side. A lawyer who specializes in child custody for fathers will help you defend yourself from lies.

Avoid Posting on Social Media

You may be tempted to post online about your custody battle or about your child or ex. However, it’s in your best interest to avoid doing this, at least until the judge has made the final decision.

Anything you post online can be used against you in court. If you’re bashing your ex online, it may not go well for you, as they are often used to show your character.

You may not realize how much information is out there on your social media page. Your location, spending habits and other similar information can be easily accessed through your accounts.

Co-Parent if Possible

Child custody lawyers are going to advise that you co-parent as best as possible. It can be difficult at times, but if you can prove to the court that you’ve done your best to make nice with your ex, it will go a long way.

Lawyers will use all evidence you have to prove you have done everything you can to make your child’s life easier, which includes co-parenting.

Child Custody Attorney

We know the last thing you want to have to do is hire a child custody attorney. It’s stressful, overwhelming, and time-consuming. However, it will all be worth it once you have your child at home.

We hope this guide, full of custody tips for fathers, was helpful.

We want to walk with you through this hard time and give you more advice about child custody for fathers. Our team of professionals is available to answer any questions you have about hiring a lawyer for child custody.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us a message here.