Many of us have heard some of the sorrowful stories of families broken apart and fathers prevented from seeing their children through some kind of process that sometimes involves unfair prosecution. Some of these other cases involve prosecution based on animosity, or a mismatch between two sides and their lawyers.
Many of us have also heard the general consensus that nuclear families are good for children – that children need a mother and a father in various ways. But that reality sometimes seems shattered by the results of these prosecutions that make it hard for people to work through their differences and come up with workable plans. Sometimes it almost seems like the lawyers are on some other party’s side!
At Morris for Men, we work on behalf of that guiding principle that fathers should be able to build relationships with their children. The ways in which this works may be different for every family – there may be different schedules, different custody arrangements and other processes for continuing these relationships – but it should not be the case that one parent wishes for a relationship with the child and is prevented by the other. There’s a general unfairness to that. And we know how that all too often happens, through the errant processes of some local court. Parents of children need adequate compensation to access their rights under the law!
Law and the Family
Part of resolution in this type of practice area involves working through the details of the law and how it’s applied to a family. Families are biological, dynamic, emotional and sometimes chaotic. The law is a rigid, austere, technical system. Applying the law to a family can be difficult!
We help to provide good counsel and representation for those who need to work through these problems. Any time there is not an amicable agreement between two parties, two parents or guardians, it often leads to the need for legal work. Then there’s a need for our client to have a professional attorney on whom he can trust.
Many of us understand how families may need help to work out their differences and reconcile any grievances they have amongst each other. When you do this effectively, you’re healing the family to the point where you can once again maintain those relationships in a positive way. But it doesn’t always happen without sustained work and an eye toward people’s individual rights, and that’s where we come in. Call us for help with a difficult family law case.